Bad mommy ... didn't post a picture of our birthday girl on her FIRST birthday! So, here she is flocked by her biggest fans on her big day! Can't believe she is one. Simply amazing and what an amazing year! We celebrated her birthday with a visit to Build-A-Bear and to see Santa. She was all grins and laughter. Precious!
Here's a little update ....
We have been enjoying our time in New Orleans ... visited the Aquarium and Insectarium, eaten LOTS of good food, learned to cook gumbo and etoufee, captured (quite by accident) a rather large oppossum in our dog pen (he got away before I could snap a photo), won second prize in the RV decorating contest on Halloween, met lots of interesting people, enjoyed our temporary church home at Vintage, and have really enjoyed living in this beautiful state park here in Louisiana.
God has blessed us so tremendously. Sweet hubby is full-time employed (as opposed to being a temporary employee) and we are moving to the Mississippi coast in the next couple weeks. We are looking forward to this great adventure ... always a great adventure with God. Lots to embrace, savor, share, learn and enjoy. We will miss NOLA and the new friends we've made, but leave with lessons learned and life enjoyed to the full.
How is the RV life ... we are surely enjoying the togetherness. The girls and I have really loved feeling like we were living on the edge of a forest. We have met some really sweet friends that have been camped out here "long-term" with us. There are but a few things we miss from Texas ... our friends and family and our church, most definitely. There are days that I miss having a washer and dryer, although we've cleverly made the laundromat a game so visiting it is not such a drag, and there are times I really miss my dishwasher and recycling, which is not a huge priority in this city. We are learning collectively that you have to pick things up and put them away in a little space. And, you can't stay mad at each other long when there is no where to get away from each other. I must say, I am so proud of our girls ... they are seriously adaptable and that has been amazing. God's grace.
So that's the latest! :)
ohmyword! she's one already?! wow... this year seems to have gone by so quickly. and yet, in some ways, painstakingly slow. i don't know how it can feel both at once, but it does.
so glad to hear that life in new orleans is going well. moving to MS?? will you be able to move into a house, or still gonna be RVing it? lots of transitions and adjustments, my friend. so grateful His hand is carrying you through them all.
love to you my friend.
Wow. What an incredible journey you are on. Traveling mercies to you, dear one. I pray now, as I write, that you and your family sense God's presence every mile -- and that you see His hand as you settle in.
Home is where your heart is, and your heart beats like this: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ...
God bless you, and Merry Christmas.
that is a whole lot of sweet and a whole lot of cute in one picture :)
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