Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Be Still ...

There are days when all seems overwhelming and unrelenting and seriously, I'm not convinced I can manage it all. Then peace that passes all understanding, that feels so surreal at times, takes over and I remember that I don't have to manage it all. All I have to do is trust God. He is in charge, not me. He has the perfect plans and He absolutely will bring them to fruition if I will just will myself to sit back, get out of His way, and trust Him.

Monday, February 4, 2013

All He Says I Am ...

This picture absolutely took my breath away. The sweet children these hands belong to are living in Africa at Touch A Life. They have been rescued from slavery and child trafficking and all manners of evil and are now living in freedom and learning how much their Heavenly Daddy loves them. Seriously, God is A-MA-ZING! What He is doing to change the lives of these kiddo's is simply ... no words for how great it is. And, we have been priveleged to help through my sweet friend, Kimberli Brackett. It is no small thing to be a conduit for God in loving on His people. And, when one chooses to be a part of His plan, there is no question Who all the glory goes to, God! Why? Because He rocks!
The great truth of this photo are the words that are written on these precious hands ... set apart, chosen, beloved, blessed, loved, no flaws, beautiful, rescued, masterpiece ... and the list goes on and all those words God writes on my hand and on yours and what's more, He has my name and your name written on the palm of His hands.
"See I have written your name on my hand." Isaiah 49:16a (NCV)
"Behold, I have indelibly imprinted (tattooed a picture of) you on the palm of each of My hands ..." Isaiah 49:16a (AMP)
That is my identity. That is your identity in Christ. That is who we are and Whose we are and when we believe in and love and follow Jesus, nothing and no one can take that away.