Fast from negativity.
Feast on worship.
This is my new motto. They are words from
“A Holy Experience” … I consider Ann Voskamp a “mommy mentor” even though I’ve never met her. Yep, those words struck me. This is where joy lies. God’s perspective. God’s eyes. Satan’s defeat.
JOY! Worship in all its forms … with my mind, with my heart, with my words, with my body, with my life, in singing, in quiet, with all that I am. I am calling out and speaking life and teaching our girls to do this, too. I am standing on God’s words, which are LIFE! Not falsely. Not fairytale. Not fake. God’s words
which are truth. The resounding emotions are joy and peace because praising reminds me of
WHO is in control and
WHOSE I am and that
ALL His plans are good.
And, then this from
Pastor Robert a month ago …
Ask from God MORE than you can imagine.
I’m not talking about prosperity philosophy here. I don’t really understand that whole concept anyway. What I do get is that God intends for me to converse with Him about my needs knowing He will meet them and not to settle for less than His best. He knows what is best and He intends for me to walk in it, when I choose to receive His best. I know from experience that walking toward God’s best isn’t always easy. Sometimes, it involves having some yuck scraped off of me and dying to some more of myself to embrace what He has … but I’ll tell you what ... I am done with second best and just enough to get by. I am done with not asking Him for the moon because He tells me to do that. And, quite frankly, expecting Him to respond. Satan would have me think my issues are not important, that God is too busy to worry with my little thing or that He won’t answer in amazing ways that blow my mind. NOT TRUE! I am a daughter of the King and I am asking for MORE that I can imagine and I am planning on being specific and standing in faith for it and not giving up … because I know that God is faithful to answer!
“The great fault of the children of God is that they do not continue in prayer; they do not go on praying; they do not persevere. If they desire anything of God’s glory, they should pray until they get it.” George Mueller
Um, hum, I think God is inviting me to another level of trusting Him … and to not quit asking because miracles are still available for those who cling to them. I am no longer in Egypt … I am walking toward the promised land and receiving the promises in my heart until I have them in my life … and I believe that many of those promises are on this side of heaven.
So, I am fasting from negativity, feasting on praise, asking more than I can imagine, and praying until I receive more of God’s glory in whatever form He gives it to me. And, when I receive it, I am going to share it like crazy with others and prayerfully they, too, will see what a MIGHTY God we serve!
*Thanks "Room to Think" for helping me correct my typo at the top ... FAST negativity, FEAST on praise! :)