Monday, October 14, 2013

The Best Choice

I'll be honest, my first thought when I saw this was of my husband. I love that man. I love all of him. I love him with my whole heart for my whole life. This is truth. I will fight to the dirt for our marriage, our children and our life together. Don't doubt it. It's a fact. The other thing I thought of today, after a night of wrestling like Jacob with the Lord (Genesis 32:24-30), was this is exactly how I feel about Jesus. He has my whole heart for my whole life. Doesn't matter if things aren't going my way. Doesn't matter if I am steaming mad and I don't understand. Doesn't matter. It's the only choice that makes any sense. Jesus. He makes it right. He loves me. Pursues me. Sees the whole picture. Knows the whole plan and while it is an act of my will at times to completely surrender to His love for me, He has my whole heart for my whole life. The end.

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