Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Not Stuck

Oh.my.gracious. I am tattooing that to my forehead. Better yet, I might write it in sharpie marker down my legs because I see them more often than my forehead. Here's the deal. I think I know the way a thing is going to play out. I know the ending. God has told me. (Isaiah 46:10) But, it doesn't or isn't happening in the way I think. Half the time not in the timing I think. Sometimes, it looks like it's smooth sailing and suddenly, no wind to blow the sails, or a storm and the course seems to change. Confusion. Helplessness. Blame. Tears.
So, what happens when my flesh, my will, my attitude, my feelings get in the way of fact? I remind myself God is not surprised by what's happening. Never surprised. I remind myself of the truth. God doesn't lie. (Numbers 23:19) God never fails.  I stand back up. I ask friends to pray with me. I remember His amazing faithfulness. Truth is, we are not stuck. We wait on Him. It's worth the effort. Always. 
"Though he slay me, yet I will hope in Him ... " Job 13:15a

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